Thursday, August 1, 2019


Recent life events have caused me (forced me?) to pay attention to an area of my life that I have struggled with over these past several decades.  It is the issue of contentment. Or, more to the point, my lack of contentment.  Even more direct - my inability to choose contentment in the various situations I find myself in.  And it is only because of the minimal amount of growth I have seen in that area up until recently that my eyes have been opened to observe a persistent lack of contentment with some of my fellow followers of Christ and, in particular, how we approach the weekly gathering called "a worship service."

Many of us (I won't say "most" because nobody like hyperbole) seem to struggle constantly with a sense of contentment when it comes to the worship services in our churches.  Some of that lack of contentment comes from the comparison game - we look around at the nearby popular churches and wish our church could be just as popular.  Or, we have our own agendas and ideas of what would make our church "better" or, dare I say it, "perfect."  

The list is long and, almost, endless.  But here's a short list:

The songs are too fast / the songs are too slow / the songs are repeated too much / the music is too loud / the words on the screen are too small / why can't we sing hymns / why can't we hold the hymnals in our hands / the guitar player is too showy / the singer is pitchy / the room is too light / the room is too dark / the service time is too early / the service time is too late / I can't stand for 3 songs / we need more art / communion takes too long - - - - - - shall I go on?

Some actually believe (they have told me) that God will be "better worshiped" if the items on that above list were "fixed."  Newsflash - God doesn't give a hoot if the slides don't flip on time and he is not "better worshiped" by a stellar musician who is up there for the "gig."  God cares about the heart. And before you start whining about "excellence" please research the Bible and do a word study on "excellence" and "skill" as they are used in the famous passages always tossed about.  You might be surprised...

Why is it we are simply not content with the manner in which our church leaders put together the worship gathering?  If you read the previous post, another question might be - why are we focusing on the fingers and missing the masterpiece?  

Well, this is going to sting but I believe it is true...

The reason we are not content with the worship service is because we are not content with God.  
Yes, we think we are.  We said the prayer.  We teach Sunday school and have been since the Roosevelt administration.  Or we go to modern church camps that offer a fantastic worship show during the week or listen to the fantastic Christian music playing on Christian radio and then come home to our "average" church musicians and we feel let down.   

Right before Jesus was killed... stop, read that again.  RIGHT BEFORE JESUS WAS KILLED.  What was he doing?  Was he pacing around looking for a way out of his situation?  No, he was not pacing around.  Yes, he did pray that if there was any possibly way for God to stop it, then please do it, Father.  But he made that statement with a spirit and heart and attitude of contentment in his situation. He was in a garden praying.  A few hours later he'd be hung on a cross to die.  

The only way to find contentment in whatever situation we face is to first find contentment with God.  And that is far more than hanging a fish on the trunk of your car.  

Challenge - this next Sunday when you go to your church, pray first - at home, in the car, on the walk up to the doors - pray that God gives you the gift of total contentment. Make the choice to not make one comment about anything you feel is "wrong."  When that thought arrives, kick it to the curb and remember that it did not come from God.  (So, where did it come from?  Yep, that's right!)  Leave that thought or comment where it belongs - smoldering in the fire and ashes of hell.  And then - shift your focus, adjust your vision, align yourself with God, Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Choose to be content.  

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