According to Gallup, church attendance is now as low as it has ever been - below the 50% mark. There are probably a lot of reasons that some might point to for this sad reality. Some would say churches are filled with hypocrites. Others say the church only wants your money. Still, some say that the preaching is nothing but shame and guilt-based leaving people feeling depressed. Plus, Sundays are when most families do family activities - like soccer, hiking, camping, etc.
While all of those "excuses" are probably true on certain levels, I don't think those are the main reasons why church attendance has declined. Let me share my thoughts.
1. "Church" is trying too hard to be "American Idol." Like it or not, we who follow Jesus are called to be different. We are not called to be "Justin Beiber with a Bible." Jesus was very different from those He hung out with. That's why they followed Him and that's what eventually led to His death. The early church did not seek out the latest and greatest tips and tricks to appear hip and edgy. Thank God! They also did not remain stuck in old forms for the sake of being stuck in familiar territory. They did something far more crazy - they focused their attention on the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit in their midst. (See Acts 2). And because of that, amazing things occurred and lives were transformed. As those lives were transformed by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, it created a magnetic effect throughout the area and more and more people came to a saving relationship with Jesus. The lure had nothing to do with the exciting presentation!
2. "Performance" has replaced "Presence." This piggy back's off my first comment. Today's churches are enamored with, and immersed in, a mindset of performance. It is sickening. God could care less if you are the best singer in your church, if you can play guitar better than Hendrix or if you preach using big theological words and phrases. He does not care. You will not get brownie points for how well you sing, talk or pray. Jesus already took care of the brownie points - on the cross! Sing about the cross. Preach about the cross. Stop "performing" for God. He actually hates your weekly "God shows." To those who are whining right now about how God "demands" excellence, and then trying to rationalize this as the reason for your top-notch stage presentations - grow up! That is not what God means when He speaks of excellence. Please, crack open your Bible and study up on that concept.
3. "Pandemic Blues." Granted, this has been a very difficult year. And "church" seems to have been hit hard. Suddenly churches are realizing that church attendance is as fluid as the press of a mouse button. Within seconds anyone viewing a worship service online can find "a better show" a few clicks away. So, churches are trying to offer the BEST shows they can. Keep the audience! Keep the viewers! Again, as Solomon might say, "vanity of vanities." I suppose offering an online gathering of someone leading the viewers in a Holy-Spirit-led time of prayer might seem boring to some. What a shame that is. How sad that we have turned the gathering of God's people into a riveting spectacle. How insane that we can't "keep the viewers" if we don't offer "entertainment-driven" music. I don't know about you, but I can hear the tables being turned over... Can you?
Church attendance is not declining because of weak performances or crummy preaching. It is declining because churches have forgotten their first calling - to glorify God, to praise Jesus and to operate in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. We don't need to up our game with polished church performances. We need to up our game on submitting to the presence and power of the Holy Spirit when we gather. Period.
How low can church attendance go?
Only time will tell.
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