I write this during week 6 (give or take - because who's keeping track of time any longer?) of the 2020 Corona Virus Pandemic hat has, in many ways, altered the course of our lives across the globe.
It is definitely a new day with new challenges and new opportunities to explore new ways of doing just about everything on a day to day basis - including attending church.
Over my many years serving in local church ministry I have been a part of conversations where well-meaning people pontificated on the notion that we don't need to "attend church" in order to worship God and, while there is an element of truth to this statement - that we don't NEED to "go to a church building" in order to commune with our God - could it be that there actually is something we are missing by not gathering together with others in a worship setting?
To combat the "new normal" of social distancing, we "church leaders" have decided to create a means of "attending church" online - through the broadcasting of our worship services to our congregations. Music leaders, pastors, and others have found ways of offering their ministry gifts via a camera and computer hook up. The congregation can tune in, watch, and engage as they are led.
But - are we engaging?
This leads me back to a similar theme you have heard me speak about before - - what, exactly, is worship? Is it truly satisfying; is it "enough" to sit in my den and watch worship on my laptop? Is that actually "worship?" Or is it something else?
I wonder if we are, collectively, rediscovering just how important it is for believers in Jesus to gather together and actually fellowship with each other as we unite our hearts and spirits to glorify the Creator of all - the Lord, God, Almighty.
Personally, I think it's a noble effort churches are making to bring the Word of God to their church congregations by offering online services and other ministry meetings. But is this "new normal" church honestly working? Are people tuning in and worshiping?
Here is the bottom line - - we need each other. God designed us to be in relationship - real relationship - face to face and heart to heart. We are not designed to observe each other from a distance. That is not "relationship." It seems to me that we are, due to very severe circumstances, learning the valuable lesson of our need for one another.
And taking this a step further - perhaps we actually need to be around... people we don't always agree with... people who don't share our political values... people who have different tastes in church music... all of it. We need to be around people who are different from us - so that we can learn to love others without the ease of "clicking away"from an online video or comment.
My prayer is, I'm sure, the same as everyone reading this - - that this Corona Virus would come to an end and we would return to a world where we are forced to be in close proximity again; where we can re-learn what it means to accept and love one another regardless of our values and opinions.
For now, do what you need to do in order to maintain a sense of "virtual togetherness." We don't really have another choice. But, when the time comes to return to what we had, step into that reality with a new-found love for your fellow human.
And maybe sit just a little closer to each other in the pews.