Friday, November 1, 2019


Psssssst - church leaders... you are making this far more complicated than God intended. 

What am I talking about?  I'm talking about the way you go about staffing your church's leadership team and, more specifically, as it relates to staffing your Music and Worship Leadership personnel.

Let me first say that I agree with the underlying concept that we need quality people to help steer our "church boats."  You don't want an accountant strumming a guitar to lead songs and you don't want a guy who hates teenagers overseeing your youth ministry.  I get that. 

However, as someone who was recently released from a ministry position due to church budget cuts and finds himself searching once again for my next "calling" let me just say that what I am finding on the various church job sites is very disheartening.  Of course, this comes from a guy who is far more interested in the HEART of true worship than, say, our current trends to create "show" worship.  

I don't mind the long list of biblical mandates from the epistles to be a leader, a husband of one wife, able to manage his kids, above reproach and the rest.  Those are all necessary traits that someone shepherding others should adhere to.  I don't even mind comments that indicate the music and worship leader be a skilled musician (after all, that is biblical).  Of course, unless you've done an in-depth bible study on the word "skill" (as I have) you might mistake that word to indicate "great performer" which, in fact, it does not.  

Where I begin to lose interest in the job listing is when things are added that come more from a place of "humans in control" than "God in control."

For example, the need to take the popular Enneagram test and post your findings.  Not sure Jesus is too concerned with whether or not my "8" fits with your "3" and how that will make for a better staff team member.  Are we aiming for a type of "Stepford Church Staff" here?  Perhaps we are actually called to discover how to get along with, accept and love those opposite Enneagram numbers...  When I see that on a job listing I cross that church off my list.

Similar to the Enneagram, is the request to have me take the SHAPE assessment.  And my response to that requirement is the same - the church goes off my list.

I don't mind taking a Spiritual Gift assessment, though there are such a wide variety to choose from these days that it's hard to ascertain the most accurate results.  Bottom line, I am okay with these because it seems more general, balanced and biblical. 

Now we get into the heart of what really rubs me the wrong way regarding the job listings for Music and Worship leadership - anything that leans towards performance.

Quick backstory - - the Bible NEVER commends that we "perform" worship.  Worship is not a commodity that we create for others to enjoy.  Our music is not intended to sparkle, tritylate, entertain or otherwise provide a spectacle for people to watch.  A true leader of worship is someone who can use their musical or other artistic skills sets to help take others to a place of laying prostrate (figuratively or in reality) before the Lord offering complete gratitude, glory, wonder, awe and praise to Him and Him alone.  Such a person can be 15, 30, 60... they can be bald, have great locks of hair, or dreads... they can be tall and thin or short and stout... they can play a musical instrument without the need to show off their abilities... they can stand, or sit, or walk around on the platform... In other words - a truly anointed leader of true worship does not need to be a "front" person as we are seeing in more and more churches across the globe.  

Therefore, I will never submit my resume to any church that offers the following in their job listing:
> Send a video tape of you performing worship.
> Show us how you lead worship.
> List your musical accomplishments.
> We are looking for someone in their 30's.
> We prefer someone who appears healthy.
> etc.

All of these, and more, directly point to man's need to control the flow of worship in our churches, as if we are better at doing that than the Holy Spirit!  Far too many churches have fallen into the trap of "creating a worship-performance that is engaging" and have, sadly, missed the presence of God in the process.  

I realize my approach narrows the search field for me personally and, honestly, I'm okay with that.  God does not need "The Greatest Showman" to help lead His people into true, life-transforming encounters with Him. He simply requires that we give into the leading and guiding of The Holy Spirit who, after all is said and done, is the ONLY actual leader of worship.  

So, church leaders, take a step back and pray earnestly that God sends you the best person to lead your people INTO worship encounters - even if they are not the right "number" on the Enneagram!